October Angel Message: Hope in the Dark
Hi and happy October! Here’s the angel message for the month. Enjoy and lots of love.
Have hope, even on the darkest days and longest nights. What you can’t see, we can. We see humanity learning, growing, and weaving together through the generations. We see brothers and sisters reconciling through forgiveness to peace.
We know it can seem like a distant dream. We are aware of the human situation on your planet at this time. We wish you not to despair, but to have hope. Trust your inner guidance for direction. Let God and your angels guide you on each step of your path.
And has it not been said, “be thou not afraid, for I am with you?” Truer words were never spoken. Let us guide you, shield you, and accompany you to the next chapter of you journey. Humanity is learning to see with the eyes of the heart, piece by piece, bit by bit, moment by moment. Let us help you get there.
Be guided by the love in your heart. This love is of God. This love is you. Trust yourself.